I have many versions of the DRACULA saga in my collection but this one (provided by my fairy godson) takes the biscuit. Although the film's protagonist is a scientist whose experiments with the elixir of life turn him into a vampire the film is based on Bram Stoker's novel, or, rather more pointedly on Hammer's classic 1958 DRACULA the structure of which it follows remarkably closely. Having said that it in no way resembles its illustrious inspiration. It is perhaps unfair to laugh at films from an alien culture but laugh I did - almost continuously - when I wasn't sitting in stunned silence during the many totally gratuitous musical numbers (yes, musical numbers!) that have so connection with the story. The film has a contemporary setting and the evil scientist lives in a modern flat although immediately on becoming a vampire he develops a taste for wearing cloaks and living in a castle (or the Pakistani equivalent) - and kidnapping the film's Mina substitute in his Ford Zephyr! Technical credits are competent although the acting is very...er...Asian, especially from the women. The star, credited as Rehan, is as good as, if not better, than some of the other low-budget vampires I've seen. Special mention must be made of the bizarre soundtrack - opening credits play against Granada while various suspense scenes unroll to the unlikely accompaniment of La Cucharacha and El Rancho Grande while on occasions dramatic moments are enhanced by James Bernard's original DRACULA score! If you can imagine Terence Fisher's DRACULA remade by The Kumars at No.42 you'll get the picture. Rating *** for curiosity value.
You obviously have never read the original Bram Stoker novel or you would know there is an entire chapter where Mina bellydances!
And I'm perfectly sure they got permission to utilize James Bernard's musical score and paid royalties in a timely fashion.
Yes, but what about El Rancho Grande?
I'll have one with extra chips please.
Hello, who can tell me wich is the track in the part of the sensual dance of the vampire girl? i love it! many thanks! horacio
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