Here's something a bit off my usual beaten track. Sitting around with a friend last night watching some movies and he asked what I thought was an interesting question. I'd be interested in any feedback from anybody out there (if there IS anybody out there!) The Question is this :
At this time in your life, if your life were a film, which film-maker do you think is most likely directing it ?
Very good question...I'd say right now, probably
Bernardo Bertolucci
He did the movie "Stealing Beauty" and my life has a soundtrack, I'm wandering around, gawky and awkward, finding beauty and mystery in everything around me. I think he'd do a good job of mixing a beautiful setting, artist minds, and a woman looking for herself.
Interesting choice - not one I would have expected, but then I'm not that familiar with Bertolucci's work. I'll wait until I've (hopefully) got a few more answers in before I reveal my choice.
I'm quite fond of STEALING BEAUTY myself -- thanks to my wife's recommendation.
As for which director would direct the movie of my life -- and a spectacularly great question by the way -- Oh my I seem to think it would be Michaelangelo Antonioni I'm afraid. Of course, Luis Bunuel might do the sequel!
Hey wait a minute! What was YOUR answer to that question, you slippery eel!
I would like to say Frank Capra but at the moment it feels more like Tex Avery
At this moment it would seem to be Alan Smithee
The friend who originally posed the question has just offered Gerald Thomas as his choice.
MCB...Allen Smithee? That is truly worrying!
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