Take a few moments to tear yourself away from the fleapit and visit Paleo-Cinema. Paleo is a blog by Australian film buff Terry Frost. Terry describes himself thus : "Movie buff, former professional Dungeons and Dragons player, Ditmar Award winning passionate amateur writer, Francophile, iconoclast and passionate atheist, Mr Frost lives in a palatial home in Melbourne surrounded by albino peacocks, capuchin monkeys and deformed manservants with amputated tongues." Get all Terry's news from his blog and then click onto his podcast to listen to the man himself tell you about his favourite movies! You'll find it addictive. At the moment Terry is talking about non-Bond spy movies. You can link directly to the blog and podcast from this page.
Terry Frost Writes : Glad you like my humble rants. The next one should be out in a couple of days. I'm discussing Italian Neorealist cinema and the ouerve of Gerry Anderson in the same podcast.